Helping Mendas manage projects.
Mendas Ltd, is a London, based Consultancy Company which offers business to business services. Mendas had expanded in recent times and the Directors were keen to carry on growing the business.
When companies are small, everyone knows what everyone else is doing and it is easy to keep tabs on how projects are going and who is doing what. When companies start to expand however, it becomes more difficult to keep track of things. There are more people in the organisation which makes it more difficult to know who is engaged on which projects and which stage various projects have reached. This makes it more difficult to manage and allocate resources. It also poses risks to service delivery, in that, something important could be missed, resulting in failure to meet a client’s requirements or deadlines.
Mendas had become aware that it was becoming more difficult to manage projects for clients and that they needed new mechanisms to help them impose an additional degree of structure as they continued to expand. Mendas asked Cognoscenti if they could help them better manage their resources and task allocation.
After getting to know Mendas better and having various consultations with them, Cognoscenti designed and delivered a workshop to help train Mendas staff in the project management disciplines they needed in order to more efficiently manage their workload and resources. Cognoscenti also produced a manual that Mendas staff could use as a reference document for taking the project management disciplines forward.
Mendas Said:
“Thank you again for being such a brilliant facilitator of our discussions and presenting the material in an interesting and interactive manner. We got out of this what we were hoping for. Well done. There were continuing discussions about the subject after the workshop which showed that all staff members were engaged.” Dirk Palm (Senior Consultant – Mendas)