
Wellbeing, Project Management, Change Management.



  • 480284611-2 Men’s Mental Health Matters - Men experience mental wellbeing issues differently than women. They exhibit different symptoms and require different support than women. Given that Covid 19 has had a negative impact on mental wellbeing, it is important to remember these differences  and ensure that any wellbeing intiatives or support offered, meet the needs of both genders. In this article (published
  • wellbeing-image-1 Manage the Well As Well As The Ill - “Maintaining the mental wellbeing of employees who are currently thriving is going to be a crucial element of managing teams during Covid 19”.   Managers Are the Key to Employee Wellbeing   Managing mental wellbeing, however, is not just about supporting the unwell, it is also about positive wellbeing, i.e. managing risks to employee mental
  • test Performance Appraisal And Growth Mind-Sets? - Covid 19 is encouraging us to reflect on and change a number of things. and given that we are now doing a number of things differently, this could be a good time to rethink not only how we manage performance but how we move to more growth mindsets and positive approaches to work.   Performance
  • 480284611-2 Covid 19 Research And Employee Mental Wellbeing - What The Research Says In this 30 minute webinar about mental wellbeing, we explore the emerging psychological research on the impact of Covid 19 on employees and explore what this means for organisations trying to get people back to work. We know from the research that there has been an impact on overall mental wellbeing.
  • free challenge 5 Ways Managers can Help Staff Manage Mental Health (During the Coronavirus Pandemic) - The latest Wellbeing report from CIPD highlights the fact that “employers need to increase mental health support during these difficult times”.  It emphasises that employers should be investing resources now in preventing mental ill health. This message is particularly poignant in the light of Coronavirus, as the report also comments that the majority of managers
  • image10 Student Mental Health -   The ‘Institute of Public Policy’ found  levels of mental illness, mental distress and low wellbeing to be higher amongst students than they are in the general population. In addition, the number of students who “have disclosed a mental health condition to their university has increased dramatically in the past 10 years”.  Poor mental health/low wellbeing
  • free stressed frog Humble Leaders May Be Best! - Leaders are often selected because they appear  confident, are able to self- promote and who blow their own trumpet. But do these types of people make the best leaders or are the humble unsung heroes the ones to look for?  The idea of ‘Servant Leadership’ has caused us to question the nature of a good
  • “I attended a thought provoking workshop yesterday, CIPD Workplace Well Being Strategy. A combined approach to plans to embed wellbeing were discussed and maybe not even calling activities wellbeing to increase engagement. Many thanks to Sharon De Mascia AFBPsS, MCIPD for delivering a superb workshop, thoroughly enjoyed it”. Yvonne ‘O Garro. HRBP John Lewis Strategic Mental Health in Santander -   Like many modern-day organisations, Santander UK were experiencing difficulties. Sickness absence was on the increase and productivity was lower, suggesting that Presenteeism levels may also be higher. Turnover had increased along with the number of reported stress and mental health cases.  I was brought in by the head of Health and Safety to help
  • POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FOR SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS Finding A Niche for Your Leadership Dark Side -   Have a look at this interesting article from the Hogan team that tells us which occupations might be most compatible with particular dark side traits. A new compilation shows not only how dark side personality characteristics can be recognised, but also how can one benefit from their dark side by finding a suitable occupation.
  • test 2 ICELAND LEADS THE WAY - I am going to Iceland again next week, the country not the store, to teach leadership psychology to business people on the Masters in Project Management at Reykjavik University.  I have been doing this for the last four years. My book ( is one of the text books for the course, so what is interesting

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